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Babies are back!

Many have delayed starting or adding to their family in the past year. The pandemic brought with it many concerns never experienced in the past. Vaccines have made our lives safer. The pandemic is not over, but presently it is under better control. The good news is, it is a safe time to have a baby, and we are here to support you. 

Renaissance Healthcare for Women offers a full range of obstetrical services.  We follow pregnancies from beginning to delivery and through the post-partum period.  We also do preconceptual counselling and perform infertility evaluations, as needed.

Dr. Barbi Phelps-Sandall is board certified in OB/GYN. Her calm and thoughtful manner has benefited in the arrival of 100’s of healthy babies.  She approaches each pregnancy with a tailored plan for the best outcome of each mother and baby. With expertise in an integrative approach to health and wellness, she offers advice about diet, exercise, sleep, supplements, and medications, when needed. She helps coping with morning sickness, back pain, and other common pregnancy complaints.  She strives to keep each mother and baby healthy and spends time educating each about fetal growth and the labor/delivery process.

For a consultation, call Dr. Barbi at Renaissance Healthcare for Women at 650-988-7830.

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